Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 10, 2008

Ga Ragu - Chicken Ragu

I really love the concept of ca ri (curry) or beef stew (bo kho). Slowed cook meat with tender vegetables makes a hearty meal. There's another dish that fit in the stewed meat category yet we don't hear very often in Asian cuisine, ragu or nagu. I did a little research online and found some facts. Ragu originated in Bologna, Italy. It's meat that is slowly cooked in a tomato base until tender. Some recipes includes different vegetables such as onion, carrot, and celery and usually serve over pasta. If you are the thinking about the Ragu pasta sauce, then that's exactly it! It's such a popular sauce that a lot of chef from different country did a take on it inspired by their own culture. There's a vietnamese version that my mom always make. And what makes it vietnamese? You guessed's the fish sauce! It's similar to curry but of course different spices are used but you can use similar vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and onions. You can add celery, mushroom, and if you are making it around this time of year you can add pumpkin. I've seen a version with crab legs. So give this recipe a try, goes great with white rice or baguettes.

1 lb chicken legs cut in half
1 lb chicken thighs cut in half
garlic powder
black pepper
mushroom seasoning
fish sauce to your liking
minced garlic
1 can of coconut juice/soda
1/2 small can of tomato paste
3 Idaho potatoes (cut into cubes)
4 medium carrots (cut into 1 in. section)
1 medium onion (sliced)
1 bay leaf (optional)
cooking oil1.

1. Marinade the chicken with 5 tablespoon of fish sauce, 1 tablespoon minced garlic,1 tablespoon of  mushroom seasoning, and 1 teaspoon of garlic powder.
2. Marinade the potatoes and carrots with 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper.
3. Heat up cooking oil to a pan and sear the potatoes and carrots, don't completely cook the vegetables. 4. Set the potatoes and carrots aside for later.
5. Repeat step #3 with the chicken, again you don't have to completely cook the chicken.
6. Transfer chicken to a large pot and coat the chicken with the tomato paste. Add 1 cans of coconut juice/soda, I like using the soda because the carbonation helps tenderize the chicken.  Also add 1 cup of water or chicken broth.  Add about 1 teaspoon of salt to the pot.
7. Let the chicken simmer in the liquid for 20 minutes and then add the carrots. Add the potatoes after 5 minutes. Add more fish sauce if needed.  Let everything simmer for about 15 minutes and then add the onions at the very end. Serve over rice or with baguettes, enjoy!

Artikel Terkait

Ga Ragu - Chicken Ragu
4/ 5


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